Siamak Sarmady's Home Page, Technical Resume C.V.


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Job Experiences

Most of my previous experience has been in IT field. I have worked as a network administrator during my university studies and after it. I have also been very active in software development.

I started my formal job as a network administrator in Shiraz university working on internet and local servers (Linux, Solaris, Novell, Windows NT).

After graduation from University I started a full time job at Faratel's software company (Tafsirgaran System) as a network software developer. Faratel was one of the most brilliant periods of my job experience. I developed software for network based UPS device monitoring/control systems on different operating systems including Netware, Windows, Linux, Sco Unix, Unixware. I developed a full line of software products called NetShut(tm) for Faratel including versions for Windows, Unix type operating systems and Netware. These products are now being sold under "Faratel" and "Smart Power Systems" brands.

After Faratel I worked as a software developer with "HodaSystems". I worked on OMR form reader and other related software amd developed a custom report form generator software for the company. I also worked as a satellite network integrator for the same company.

I have had my own small company ( and I have provided consulting and services to several companies. During recenet years I developed several websites, out of which "" was more successful (it has almost 1 million members now but had only 35,000 when I sold it). I have provided help and consulting services to the company who obtained the website afterwards.

My last full time job has been with "Sina Bank" (2001-2007) as the vice-manager of networks and hardware. Before that I had served as the administrator of SINA computer network and main data center, software analyst/designer and head of the "WAN and Communications" department. During this period I have also served the role of "Manager of Networks and Hardware" because the department did not have a manager at that time.


Research Interests:
1 Software Engineering
2 Agent-Based Cognitive Human Models
3 Distributed and Parallel Modeling and Simulation
4 Neural Network Applications

Job Interests:
1- J2EE Enterprise Application (Analysis, Design and Development)
2- Networking Projects (Technical Manager/Project Manager level)
3- Teaching (Technical, University)

Work Experience:

Shiraz University (Part Time and Full Time)
Network Administrator (Unix, Novel and Microsoft) : LAN and Internet
Website developer

Negar Afzar Javan Shiraz, Teacher (Part Time)
Teaching courses
1. Windows NT 4.0 networking
2. Delphi Programming
3. C and C++ Programming

Tafsirgaran System Faratel (Full Time)
TCP/IP Socket Network Programming (SCO Unix, Linux, Novell, Windows)
UPS Monitoring Software Developer (SCO, Linux, Novell, Windows)
C++ and C, C++ Builder Programming

Bonyad Finance and Credit Association (Full Time)
Network Administrator (Windows 2000, 2003, Novell 4.11-6.0, NAS, Routers, RAS, Switching)
Software Analysis and Development (Banking software using Visual C++ and MSSQL, Corporate Internet, Intranet and Internal Portals using PHP, ASP.NET and J2EE, Paperless Document Management analysis, design and development using J2EE, Helpdesk using J2EE)

Bonyad Finance and Credit Association (Full Time)
Vice Manager of Networks and Hardware
Responsible for LAN, WAN and communications department
Project Manager and technical Manager of WAN project (including Data Center, 260 Branches, Security and Management solutions)
Served in responsibility of Manger of networks and hardware for about 1 year because of absence of department manager

Gamzan Co LTD ISP (Part Time)
Satellite internetworking, router, access servers, Cache servers, Authentication and accounting, security

OfoghOnline ISP (Part Time)
Routers, Accounting software developer, Consultant, Cache Servers

IranSystem (Part time)
Consultant, Designer and Co-developer
1. MySQL
2. PHP

Webkar (Part Time)
Hosting server administration (Linux , Windows, CPanel, Websphere, Ensim, )
PHP, ASP, HTML web development
Support , sales and management

Administration and Development of several websites (more than 50)

Research & Papers:
Please see publcations list

Special skills:
Courses Passed
Developing Windows Applications using C# (Arena-co: 2004)
Developing Web Applications using C# (sematech-co : 2004)
Object Oriented Analysis and Design (Arena-co : 2004)
Design Patterns (Arena-co : 2004)
CCNA Intro, ICND (DPI: 2005)
CCNP Routing (DPI: 2006)
CCNP Switching (DPI: 2006)
Modern Electronics Banking (Kishware: 2006)
Solaris Administration (DPI: 2006) 3 courses
Oracle 10g Administration I (2006)

References Available Upon Request

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