Cited Articles
An updated list of my cited articles is available on Google Scholar at:
Old Articles in Magazines
- CP/M Operating System, Computer and Electronics Science Magazine, Tehran, 1990.
- S. Sarmady, DSIM, Digital Circuit Simulation Software, Regional Electrical and Electronics Engineering Students' Conference, Shiraz University, 1999
- S. Sarmady, Digital Circuit Simulation Techniques, Iranian Electrical and Electronics Engineering Students' Conference, Amir Kabir University, Tehran, 2000
Computer Science and Engineering:
- S. Sarmady, F. Haron and A. Z. H. Talib, Agent-based Simulation of Crowd at the Tawaf Area, In the proceedings of "National Conference on Hajj Best Practices Through Advances in Science and Technology", Malaysia, 2007.
- S. Sarmady, F. Haron and A. Z. H. Talib, Evaluation of Existing Software for Simulating the Crowd at Masjid Al-Haram, Jurnal Pengurusan JWZH, Vol.1, No.1, Malaysia, 2007.
- S. Sarmady and F. Haron, Agent-Based Simulation of Pedestrian Movements and Behaviors, CSPC'07, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2007.
- Siamak Sarmady, Fazilah Haron, Abdullah Zawawi Hj. Talib, "Multi-Agent Simulation of Circular Pedestrian Movements Using Cellular Automata," AMS, pp. 654-659, 2008 Second Asia International Conference on Modelling & Simulation, 2008. (IEEE Computer Society)
- Siamak Sarmady, Fazilah Haron, Abdullah Zawawi Hj. Talib, Simulations of Pilgrims’ Movements and Actions at the Tawaf Area - Methods and Applications, In the proceedings of "the 2nd National Conference on Hajj Best Practices Through Advances in Science and Technology", Malaysia, 2008.
- Siamak Sarmady, Fazilah Haron, Abdullah Zawawi Hj. Talib, "Modeling Groups of Pedestrians in Least Effort Crowd Movements
Using Cellular Automata," Third Asia International Conference on Modelling & Simulation, Bali, Indonesia, May 2009. (IEEE Computer Society)
- Siamak Sarmady, Fazilah Haron, "HtmLearn, an E-learning Platform for Private Learning," 2009 International Conference on Distance Education and Open Learning (DEOL 2009), Singapore, October 2009.
- M.B.A. Karim, S. Sarmady, F. Haron, A.Z.H. Talib, "A Crowd Simulation Study of the Tawaf Area Using Existing Software," the 3rd National Seminar on Hajj Best Practices Through Advances in Science and Technology, Malaysia, 2009.
- H. S. Md. Yatim, N. Hussain, S. Sarmady and F. Haron, "An Assessment of Legion Software in Simulating Crowd at the Masjid Al-Haram," the 3rd National Seminar on Hajj Best Practices Through Advances in Science and Technology, Malaysia, 2009.
- S. Sarmady, F. Haron, and A. Z. Talib, "Simulating Crowd Movements Using Fine Grid Cellular Automata," in UKSIM 2010 - 12th International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK, 2010.
- Soo Chin Pin, Fazilah Haron, Siamak Sarmady, Abdullah Zawawi Talib, "Applying TRIZ Principles in Crowd Management," Elsevier Journal of Safety Science, (Submited 2010, Accepted 2010, Impact Factor: 1.2).
- S. Sarmady, F. Haron, and A. Z. H. Talib, "A Cellular Automata Model for Circular Movements of Pedestrians in Tawaf," Elsevier Journal of Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, (Submited 2009, Accepted 2010, Impact Factor: 0.799).
- Siamak Sarmady, Network Simulation using Omnet++, version 0.1 (unfinished - Download)
- Siamak Sarmady, Quickly Learn Programming in C, Learnem Educational, 2001-2008. (See)
- Siamak Sarmady, Quickly Learn Web Design Using HTML, Learnem Educational, 2001-2008. (See)
- Siamak Sarmady, Programming in C in 7 days, Learnem Educational, 2001-2008. (Download)
- Siamak Sarmady, HTML Web Design in 7 Days, Learnem Educational, 2001-2008. (Download)
- S. Sarmady, A Survey on Peer-to-Peer and DHT, School of Computer Science, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2007. (PDF)
- S. Sarmady, A Peer-to-Peer Dictionary Using Chord DHT, School of Computer Science, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2007. (PDF)
- S. Sarmady, An Investigation on Genetic Algorithm Parameters, School of Computer Science, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2007. (PDF)
- S. Sarmady, An Investigation on Tabu Search Parameters, School of Computer Science, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2007. (PDF)
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